Surround Yourself

In our culture today, so many people are all about who is in which squad. Some people were surprised that Gigi Hadid hung out with Taylor Swift. Selena Gomez had a squad and then there was drama about who was in it. And apparently people have time to check and see which celebrities follow each other and then UN-follow them. I don't really get it since I don't keep up with celebrity news, but I do understand that they're just human beings who want to be surrounded by amazing people. 

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Shira ChuComment
Owning Your Space

I've always envisioned that I would be able to afford my own place after I graduated college. I would be free to decorate however I'd like. I can sing my heart out in the shower. My cat can run around like a dog and no one would care. Then I moved to San Francisco, where housing can easily cost an arm and a leg. My vision was shattered instantly. However, I've found out having roommates is a blessing and can make my little room my own sanctuary. I wanted to share three tips that I learned along the way.

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A New Beginning

With the New Year still fresh in our minds, I thought it'd be the perfect time to start a goal that I've had for quite a while. For years, I have been telling people I would start a blog. I'd get bursts of motivation and get all fired up, but the motivation quickly disappeared as fast as it appeared. Time then took its toll on me, I made excuses and pretended that I am too busy to make another commitment. I am most definitely not that busy because my daily routine only includes my cat, work, and the gym (in that order). So no more excuses and procrastination. Join me in drinking my weight in coffee and powering through 2018 like no other. 

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