The Next Challenge

Outfit with Beanie

I can't believe it but this is the LAST blog post of my 3 month commitment. Back in January, I started SHORT + ENOUGH and wrote on my Instagram that I was going to commit to three months of blogging weekly. It is almost surreal to think that I actually did it! The journey has been awesome and challenged me in many ways. I have decided to not post here as frequently -- ONLY because I want to produce better content. It was great to get into a habit of posting  but now it's quality over quantity. I want my blog posts to be more curated and more intentional.

On the other hand, I'd like to talk to you guy about my next challenge! This is going to stretch me in so many ways unimaginable, but I am so so excited. It's a little ironic, because this particular challenge is actually about quantity. It's going to be taking place solely on Instagram, but I might dedicate a blog post or two about my experience later on. Scroll down to read more! 

Casual Outfit with Beanie
Casual Outfit with Beanie

A little while ago, someone recommended me the Creative Pep Talk podcast. It's inspiring, motivating, and "pepped up", and Andy J. Pizza is hilarious! I 100% recommend it. I came across the 100 Day Project while listening to one of his episodes. Andy, along with many people in the community, whether they are "creative" or not, will be doing this project.

It's exactly what it sounds like. A project that lasts 100 days. For a 100 days, I'm going to be picking up my camera and take a photo of a stranger, building, my cat, coffee, etc. (I'm going to be behind the camera this time - Still working on learning how to pose too!) I hope to challenge myself differently every day of this project, whether it be the way I edit the photo or the way I approach someone so it's not awkward. The intent of this project is to push yourself creatively. You can try to sketch the same shoe 100 different ways, do post-it doodles, anything!

For me, I want to practice using my camera. I want to also interact with my city more, including the people in it! That is why I have challenged myself to get a mixture of buildings and people into the next 100 days. I am introvert by nature so walking up to strangers and asking to take a photo of them is not my forte lol. But if I've learned anything the past year, it's that you've already failed if you haven't even tried. So I'm going to try and the worst thing people can say is no (or ignore me). I can just move on to another individual who will say yes! It'll be interesting to compare what can be captured through a camera because I am most definitely not great or comfortable with using my DSLR. 

Movado watch

If you're interested in joining this project, you can get more information at The 100 Day Project. If you're in the Bay Area, there is also a group of individuals who meet as well to encourage each other. More info at the 100 Day Collective. It is run by two extraordinary women, Elle Luna and Lindsay Jean Thomson.

Starting April 3rd, I'm going to be posting my photos that I take EVERYDAY for the next 100 days on my Instagram (@shiachewy). If you do the project and tap out on day 30, that is totally fine as long as you've feel like you've grown enough! I'm going to be using #the100dayproject and #ShiraShots if you want to follow along.

Hope you join the ride! I'm so excited to be challenging myself in this way! Can't wait to see what others create too!