IG vs Reality

Hair Balayage Portrait


I tried to be serious and this is the result.

I tried to be serious and this is the result.


In reality, my hair was all over the place and I had to fix it!

In reality, my hair was all over the place and I had to fix it!

De-saturated the brassy parts of my hair!

De-saturated the brassy parts of my hair!

Don't I look somewhat mysterious?

Don't I look somewhat mysterious?

Wow, I am such a contemplative person.

Wow, I am such a contemplative person.

I make a lot of these weird faces a lot haha.

I make a lot of these weird faces a lot haha.

I really have no idea what I'm doing.

I really have no idea what I'm doing.

Jk, I just daze in and out all the time!

Jk, I just daze in and out all the time!

Hope you had a good laugh. Although some of these photos are embarrassing for me, I hope these can shed some light on what goes on behind the scenes in some of the posts you see floating around on Instagram. Everyone has a story behind their Instagram or other social media posts. We are also so much more than a grid on our profiles! Comparing yourself to others (in real life and in social media) is never a good thing! Only compare yourself to an older version of yourself! Strive to be a better version of yourself than yesterday. 

Hair Balayage Portrait Photography

Check out Jasmin's work at Jasmint